Teaching Remotely

A variety of circumstances 
(health, weather or other emergencies) may require your face to face class to meet online with little warningIf routine academic functions are interrupted due to prolonged campus or building closures, it may be necessary to teach class from off campus. There are various services provided to connect you and students remotely so that learning may continue seamlessly.  

Moodle is the learning management system for the Southern University System, and it has several features to help enrich your classes. Features include sending announcements to students, posting files, and creating online learning activities. You can also use Moodle, either alone or in conjunction with other technologies, to provide your students with meaningful learning activities and assignments.  Review the fundamental Moodle tools you will need to create online activities.  

The Division of Information Technology will offer a series of workshops for faculty to learn more about teaching via Moodle. 

Moodle Course Shell

A Moodle Course Shell exists for all courses listed in Banner. Once you have logged on to Moodle, click on Dashboard.  Course shell(s) will be visible. 



  • Announcement Forum 
    By default, each Moodle course includes an Announcements forumWhen creating a which you can use to easily communicate with students in your class. When you add a new topic to the Announcements forum, your students receive a copy of the message in their SUBR email inbox. The Announcements forum maintains a list of all Announcements. 
    *Note The Announcements forum is set up for one-way communication. Students cannot reply directly to your posts in the Announcements forum. 

  • Messages
    Messages allows for professors and students to send and receive private messages.


Course Material Distribution

  • Upload a file 
    You can upload files to your Moodle course page by drag and drop. Files such as your course syllabus, assignment instructions, and any other files you would hand out to your students can easily be uploaded to Moodle. PDF documents can also be uploaded

Drag and Drop  


Uploading Files 


Share a URL link 
If there is a web resource you would like to share with your students, you can create a URL in your course or hyperlink 



  • Assignments 
    A part of the learning experience includes submitting assignments. Students may submit work digitally in Moodle by the instructor’s specified file format.  


  • Discussion Forum  
    Discussion forums recreate in-class discussions in an online space. Discussion forums is a method of getting students to talk and share thoughts/ideas about class content. Faculty may utilize this activity to facilitate dialogue about a course reading, a video, or any learning experience. 


  • Quiz/Exam 
    quiz/exam may be given in Moodle by creating questions in the question bank or importing a recruitment bank.  



Online Proctoring

Respondus Lockdown Browser/Monitor 

Respondus is a custom browser that creates a secure testing environment by locking down all windows and preventing access applications on the computer used for assessment. When Respondus is used, students are locked in this secure mode until they submit their test for grading. Respondus is integrated with Moodle.

*Note Respondus is not compatible with Chromebooks.  

Trainings: Daily Trainings during the month of March 


Virtual Classes

Microsoft Teams is a secure, cloud-based chat and group collaborative workspace that integrates with other Office 365 applications. 


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