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Part II Article VII of Bylaws
Section 1. Officers of the System.
The Board of Supervisors shall appoint the President; and, upon the recommendation of the President, it shall appoint other administrative officers of the University System as is deemed necessary. The Board shall establish, or cause to be established, procedures for the selection, appointment and evaluation of the President and the selection and appointment of other major administrative officers within the University System. These procedures shall include a method of obtaining expression of faculty opinion.
The Board shall give consideration to the recommendation of the President in all appointments other than his own. All administrative officers of the University System shall hold their positions at the pleasure of the Board.
Section 2. President of the System.
A. The President shall be the chief executive officer of the University System and shall serve as Secretary to the Board. He shall hold office at the pleasure of the Board and be compensated at a salary fixed by the Board and recorded in its proceedings. The President shall be responsible to the Board for the conduct of the affairs of the University System. He shall execute and enforce all of the decisions, orders, rules and regulations of the Board with respect to the conduct of the University System. He shall be governed by all laws pertaining to the Southern University System.
The President's discretionary authority shall be broad enough to enable him to meet his extensive responsibilities.
B. The President shall attend meetings of the Board and its Committees.
C. The President, except as otherwise provided in these bylaws, shall make all nominations for appointments, suspensions, and dismissals of all administrative officers holding positions at the pleasure of the Board. Upon recommendation of the Chancellor of each Campus, the President shall have the authority to make all other appointments, promotions, transfers, suspensions, and dismissals of academic and unclassified employees, subject to the approval of the Board. The President, or an officer designated by him, is authorized as the appointing authority to make and approve personnel actions relating to classified personnel, including disciplinary actions required to be expressed in writing, in keeping with governing statutes.
In considering the appointment of persons to those administrative offices where there is dual responsibility to both the System and a particular campus, the President shall solicit and give careful attention to the views and opinions of the Chancellor concerned.
D. Subject to the Board's direction and approval:
1. The President shall establish administrative policies and procedures for the University System in keeping with the mission of each campus, and promote the general welfare of the System.
2. The President shall develop and implement educational policies and procedures for the University System in keeping with the mission of each campus, and promote the general welfare of the System.
3. The President shall develop a sound fiscal management system; he shall prepare and present a consolidated budget for the University System to the Board, and shall assume and retain complete control at all times over all budgets of the System, as approved by the Board.
4. The President shall serve as spokesman for the System to all agencies, inside and outside of the University System, to the Alumni, news media and the general public.
E. The President shall establish and maintain lines of communication with the Chancellor of each campus.
F. The President, with the assistance of the Chancellors, shall have authority to appoint such committees from among the personnel of the System as deemed desirable for the purpose of advising the President in connection with any problems of the System. The Chancellor shall be informed of all such appointments of personnel on his campus.
G. The President shall be a member of all faculties. The Chancellors shall normally serve as presiding officers at meetings of the faculty on their respective campuses, though it shall be the President's privilege to preside at such meetings.
Section 3. System Staff Officers.
System staff officers shall be appointed by the Board upon the recommendation of the President. The System staff officers shall perform the duties outlined in writing by the President and approved by the Board. To this end and to facilitate an understanding of the organization of the System and the duties and responsibilities of System staff officers, the President shall cause to be published a document wherein detailed information is provided, including the responsibilities that these officers have on a particular campus. In their capacities as campus officers, System staff officers shall coordinate their activities with the Chancellor of that campus.
Section 4. The President's Advisory Council.
The President shall have an Advisory Council which shall consist of the President, System Vice-Presidents, Chancellors and others as he may designate. The President shall serve as chairman; or, he may designate a temporary chairman in his absence.
The Council shall advise the President on all matters involving the University System, including, but not limited to academic programs and support services, personnel, and athletics. The agenda for meetings of the Council shall be structured by the President and the proceedings recorded.
Section 5. The Council of Chief Academic Officers.
This Council shall consist of the chief academic officer of the System staff, who shall serve as chairman, and the chief academic officer of each major subdivision of the University System. The Council shall act in an advisory capacity to the President in matters relating to academic standards, programs, and policies of the System. The chief academic officers shall keep their respective Chancellors or administrative superiors apprised of actions of the Council.
Section 6. Chancellors.
A. There shall be a Chancellor of each campus, who shall be appointed by the Board, taking into consideration the recommendations of the President of the System and the expression of opinion of the faculty concerned. The Chancellor shall serve at the pleasure of the Board at a salary fixed by the Board. The Chancellor shall exercise complete executive authority over the campus he administers, subject to the direction of the President, where required by law or Board policy, and the approval of the Board.
B. The Chancellor shall be responsible to the Board through the President for the effective execution of all resolutions, policies, rules and regulations adopted by the Board for the administration and operation of the System and the governance of his campus, and all policies, rules, regulations, directives, and memoranda issued by the President. The Chancellor shall be governed by all laws pertaining to the Southern University System. The Chancellor shall have direct access to the President, and he shall be the official medium of communication between the President and all personnel on his campus.
C. The Chancellor shall attend the meetings of the Board and its committees and he may invite members of his administrative or academic staff to assist in his presentations to the Board.
D. The Chancellor shall have the responsibility of fixing the salaries and duties of the members of the faculty, administrative and professional staff for the campus he heads, subject to the recommendation of the President and approval of the Board. He shall make all other appointments, promotions, transfers, suspensions, and dismissals of all academic, administrative, and professional employees, subject to the recommendations of the President and approval of the Board. In coordination with the University System's appointing authority, the Chancellor or an officer designated by him is authorized to make and approve personnel actions relating to classified personnel and unclassified personnel in positions exempt from the classified service by special action of the State of Louisiana, Department of Civil Service. In all personnel recommendations, the Chancellor shall give due consideration to the opinion and views of the appropriate academic and administrative staff.
E. The Chancellor shall be a member of the faculty of the campus he heads. He or his designee shall be the presiding officer at meetings of the faculty of his campus.
F. The Chancellor shall have the responsibility for developing and implementing educational, administrative and fiscal policies, procedures and programs for the campus, consistent with the policies of the Southern University System.
G. The Chancellor shall be responsible to the President for the management of the financial affairs of his campus. His responsibilities shall include the preparation of a consolidated campus budget (after review of the budgets of the various divisions of his campus and the recommendations of the heads of these divisions) and the management of the budget, as approved by the President and the Board.
H. The Chancellor of each campus shall prepare and present to the Board, through the President, a comprehensive annual report.
I. The Chancellor shall have responsibility and oversight over all fundraising activities.
J. The Chancellor shall have responsibility and authority to exercise administrative and fiscal control over the Intercollegiate athletics program.
Section 7. Campus Officers.
Campus officers shall include a chief academic officer, a chief finance and business affairs officer, a chief student affairs officer and such other officers as deemed necessary for the efficient operation of the campus, to be recommended to the Board by the President, upon the recommendation of the Chancellor. The campus officers shall perform the duties outlined in writing by the Chancellor, subject to the recommendation of the President and the approval of the Board. To this end and to facilitate an understanding of the organization of the campus and the duties and responsibilities of campus officers, the Chancellor shall cause to be published a document wherein detailed information is provided in this regard.