SU System Tobacco-Free Policy

Southern System first college system in Louisiana to become tobacco-free
The Southern University System (SUS) Board of Supervisors at its October 2011 meeting approved a policy to make all campuses within the System 100 percent tobacco-free.
The use of tobacco products on any Southern University campus is prohibited by students, staff, faculty or visitors in all campus buildings, facilities, or property owned or leased by Southern University System and outside areas of the campus where non-smokers cannot avoid exposure to smoke; on campus grounds, facilities, or vehicles that are the property of the campus; and at lectures, conferences, meetings, and social and cultural events held on school property or school grounds.
The sale or free distribution of tobacco products, including merchandise on campus or at school events is prohibited.
Click here for the Southern University System 100% Tobacco-Free Policy.
Thank you for supporting the SUS Tobacco-Free Policy and for practicing healthy behavior.
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