Part II Article VIII of Bylaws
Section 1. Academic Freedom.
The Board of Supervisors is committed to the principle of academic freedom. Academic freedom is perceived as the right of members of the academic community freely to study, discuss, investigate, teach, conduct research, and publish as appropriate to their respective roles and responsibilities. Because the common good depends upon the free search for and exposition of truth and understanding, full freedom in research and publication is essential, as is the freedom to discuss scholarly subjects in the classroom. A member of the faculty of the University System, as a citizen, has the right to exercise himself in writing, speaking, or participating in activities outside the University, but should always be mindful that these involvements do not lessen the faculty member's responsibility to the University. The faculty member, when not officially designated to represent the University, must make it known that he is speaking as an individual citizen.
Academic freedom does not give faculty members the right to insist upon or demand the adoption by students, colleagues, or others, of a particular point of view.
Section 2. The positions of the academic staff, including the instructional and research faculty, librarians, and academic counselors, shall be unclassified.
Section 3. Duties of Faculty.
Each member of the faculty is expected to be committed and to contribute to the attainment of the mission of the institution where employed. It is a basic responsibility of the faculty to participate in the development of educational policy through active and constructive involvement in the academic affairs of their respective departments, divisions and colleges. The faculty's involvement in other matters affecting student, academic, or faculty welfare is expected.
The faculty should be so organized that its business may be properly conducted. This may be accomplished through committees, senates, councils or other appropriate structures. The faculty should be concerned primarily with academic policies.
Section 4. Appointment of Faculty.
The President shall establish and maintain a procedure for the appointment of members of the faculty.
The procedure shall provide for the establishment of qualifications for the position and allow for the evaluation of the applicants' credentials and recommendation of candidates to fill the position by the faculty of the academic unit concerned. All appointments shall be made on the basis of merit, and shall meet all criteria set forth by appropriate accrediting bodies.
All initial appointments to the faculty normally shall be either temporary or probationary. The President shall issue a contract or contractual letter to the appointee setting forth the terms of the appointment. All appointments shall be made upon the authority of the President, pursuant to recommendations of the Chancellor, subject to the approval of the Board. These provisions shall not prevent the Board of Supervisors from making an initial appointment with tenure which would, in its judgment, be distinctly in the interest of the University, normal recommendations and approvals having been made.
Section 5. Promotion of Faculty.
The President, with the advice of the faculty and appropriate administrative officers, shall establish and maintain a procedure for the promotion of faculty based on merit. The procedure established for promotion shall be employed by all campuses in the System. All applicants for promotion leading to tenure must also meet the qualifications for tenure, except the required probationary period may be for a shorter duration (two to four years), and standards mandated by the applicable accrediting agency. All promotions shall be made upon the authority of the President, pursuant to recommendations of the Chancellor and subject to the approval of the Board.
Section 6. Tenure of Faculty.
All appointees to the academic staff normally shall serve a probationary period before they can be evaluated for and granted tenure. Tenure is not employment for a specified term; rather, it is the right to continued employment, subject to dismissal for cause. The President, with the advice of faculty representatives and administrative officers, shall cause to be developed and maintained procedures and criteria whereby tenure is acquired by members of the academic staff, consistent with the tenure policy adopted by the Louisiana State Board of Regents. Tenure may be awarded to academic staff members with the rank of Assistant Professor or above who have earned at least the minimum academic credentials set forth by the appropriate accrediting agency in the discipline in which they instruct or meet other established criteria for tenure, and have served the required probationary term.
No administrative position is tenured. The provisions of tenure apply to full-time faculty members who hold administrative positions with respect to their academic rank and not their administrative capacities.
Any appointment, whether temporary, probationary, or tenured, may be terminated for cause. However, dismissal for cause carries with it the right to a hearing in accordance with principles of due process and accepted academic practice.
Section 7. Responsibilities of Faculty.
For academic freedom to endure, academic responsibility must be exercised. A proper academic climate can be maintained only when members of the faculty meet their fundamental duties and responsibilities. Tenure shall not serve as a basis for the retention of a faculty member in a position when evidence acquired as a result of a thorough investigation, according to procedures of due process, clearly demonstrates that the faculty member has not met and does not give promise of meeting the responsibilities of the position.