Part III Chapter I of Regulations
Section 1-1. Administrative Organization of the University.
1-1.1. Administrative Officers of the Southern University System.
The President shall be the chief executive officer of the University System (Article VII, Section 2A of the bylaws). Other administrative officers of the System, along with their duties and responsibilities, shall be detailed in a document authorized by Article VII, Section 3 of the bylaws.
1-1.2. The President's Advisory Council.
(See Article VII, Section 4 of the bylaws.)
1-1.3. Administrative Officers of the Individual Campuses.
The Chancellor shall be the chief administrative officer of the campus which he heads. (Article VII, Section 6 of the bylaws). Other administrative officers of a campus shall be designated by means of an organizational chart which the Chancellor is authorized to prepare by Article VII, Section 7 of the bylaws.
1-1.4. The Advisory Council of the Individual Campuses.
A. Membership.
The Advisory Council shall be composed of the Chancellor, the principal administrative officers of a campus, three faculty members--two elected by the faculty and one selected by the Faculty Senate to serve two-year terms and such other persons as may be specifically designated by the Chancellor.
B. Duties.
The Advisory Council shall advise the Chancellor in the administration of the affairs of the campus and shall assist the Chancellor in developing and coordinating administrative policies relative to academic affairs, student affairs, and fiscal affairs and other matters the council deems necessary and appropriate.
C. Officers.
The Chancellor shall be the chairman of the Advisory Council on his campus, and shall appoint a secretary who shall keep minutes of all meetings and shall maintain a roll of the members of the Advisory Council.
D. Meetings.
The Advisory Council of each campus shall meet at the call of the Chancellor at least once each semester. Adequate written notice shall be given to each member of the council prior to each meeting.
Section 1-2. Academic Organization of the University.
1-2.1. The Chief Academic Officer of the System.
The President shall appoint a chief academic officer of the System, subject to the approval of the Board (Article VII, Section 3 of the bylaws).
1-2.2. The Chief Academic Officer of the Individual Campuses.
The Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs shall be the chief academic officer of the campus to which he is appointed.
1-2.3. The Council of Academic Deans and Directors.
A. Membership.
The deans and directors of colleges, schools or divisions, together with other academic officers of equivalent rank responsible to the chief academic officer, shall constitute the Council of Academic Deans and Directors of a campus.
B. Duties.
The Council of Academic Deans and Directors shall advise the chief academic officer in the administration of the academic affairs of the campus, including curriculum development, program scheduling, preparation of the academic calendar, coordination of programs of various colleges and schools, review of instructional programs and special university regulations for degrees.
C. Meetings.
The Council shall meet at least once each semester at the call of the chief academic officer who shall serve as chairman.
1-2.4. The Faculties of the Individual Campuses.
A. Membership.
The academic staff having the rank of instructor or higher or equivalent rank (See Section 2.6) shall constitute the faculty of each campus. The Chancellor of each campus and the academic officers of each campus shall be members of each campus faculty. Members of the faculty may be either full-time or part-time.
The faculty of each campus may organize a Faculty or Faculty Council. The faculty may also establish a Faculty Senate as a representative body.
B. Duties.
The faculty shall have a major role in establishing curricula, fixing standards of instructions, determining requirements for degrees, and generally formulating educational policy under the leadership of the Chancellor and subject to the authority of the Board. All educational policies must be consistent with policies of the System. The faculty shall make recommendations for the granting of degrees through its respective colleges or schools. Subject to the provisions of Article VII, Section 6(E) of the bylaws, the faculty shall have legislative power over all matters pertaining to its meetings and may delegate its authority to standing committees and to an elected Faculty Senate, whose authority as derived from this section shall be limited to matters which are proper to the faculty and which have been specifically delegated by the faculty. The membership of the Faculty Senate shall be determined by the faculty.
C. Actions.
Actions taken by the faculty shall be reported to the chief academic officer of the campus concerned. The reports, along with appropriate recommendations of the chief academic officer, shall be submitted to the Chancellor who shall then approve and provide for implementation, refer appropriately for further study, or forward with recommendations to the President.
D. Meetings.
Each campus faculty shall meet at least once each academic year at the call of the Chancellor who shall normally serve as presiding officer, or upon the written request of fifty faculty members, or twenty-five percent of the faculty, whichever is smaller. At least five days notice of the meeting and its agenda shall be given, except that emergency meetings may be called by the Chancellor. Twenty-five percent of the membership of a campus faculty shall constitute a quorum. A majority vote is necessary for the transaction of business, a quorum being present.
1-2.5. The Faculties of Colleges, Schools and Divisions.
A. The Chief Academic Officer of the College, School, or Division.
The chief academic officer of the college, school, or division is the Academic Dean or Division Chairman.
B. Membership.
The faculty of each college, school, or division, except the Graduate School, shall consist of all members of the academic staff having the rank of instructor or higher (or equivalent rank) who are appointed full-time and a part of all of whose current work is in that particular college, school, or division. As a class, part-time members of the academic staff having the rank of instructor or higher (or equivalent rank) shall be enfranchised in direct proportion to the percentage of their employment.
C. Duties.
The faculty of each college, school, or division shall define and recommend degree programs for units under its jurisdiction. The faculty shall recommend candidates for degrees to be awarded by the college, school, or division.
D. Meetings.
The dean or director of each college, school, or division shall call a meeting of the faculty at least once each semester and summer term. The dean or director shall be required to call a faculty meeting upon the written request of twenty-five of the members of the faculty. At the time that the faculty members are notified of a meeting, the chief administrative officer of the campus and the chief academic officer shall receive the same notification. Advance notice of a meeting shall be given.
E. Quorum.
Twenty-five percent of the members of the faculty of each college, school, or division shall constitute a quorum.
1-2.6. College, School, or Division Councils
A. Membership.
Membership of each college, school, or division council shall include the academic dean or division chairman as presiding officer, the chairmen of the departments within the college, school or division, one faculty member from each department, and two students from each department. One of the Faculty Senate representatives from the college, school, or division may be appointed by the Senate to serve in an ex-officio capacity on the Council.
B. Duties.
Each college, school, or division council shall examine and recommend policies to the dean or division chairman and to the college, school, or division faculty on matters pertaining to program development, personnel development and student relations.
C. Meetings.
Each council shall meet at least once each semester. The meetings shall be called by the dean or the college, school, or division chairman.
1-2.7. The Departmental Faculty.
A. The Chief Academic Officer of the Departmental Faculty.
The chief academic officer for the department is the departmental chairman.
B. Membership.
The departmental faculty shall consist of all members of the academic staff of a department having the rank of instructor or higher (or equivalent rank) who are appointed full-time for at least a one-year period and a part of all of whose work for the current year is in that particular department.
As a class, part-time members of the academic staff having the rank of instructor or higher (or equivalent rank) shall be enfranchised in direct proportion to the percentage of their employment.
C. Duties.
The departmental faculty shall have jurisdiction over matters concerning departmental educational policies insofar as these do not conflict with the policies of other departments, the rules and regulations of its own college, school, or division, the campus, or the University System.
D. Meetings.
The chairman of the department shall call a meeting of the departmental faculty at least twice per semester.
1-2.8. Departmental Councils.
A. Membership.
The Chairman of the department or his designee shall serve as chairman of the Departmental Council. There shall be both faculty and student representation on the Council.
B. Duties.
The Departmental Council reviews and makes recommendations on such matters as departmental academic policies, faculty-student relations, equipment, and budgetary priorities.
C. Meetings.
The Departmental Council shall meet at least once during each semester, at the call of the chairman.
1-2.9. The Graduate Faculty.
The graduate faculty on a campus shall consist of those members of the faculty who have been so designated by the Chancellor, upon the recommendations of the graduate dean and the chief academic officer, acting upon appropriate nominations. It shall be the responsibility of the Chancellor, with advice from the faculty and academic administrative officers, to draw up criteria for membership on the graduate faculty.
1-2.10. The Graduate Council.
A. There shall be a Graduate Council on each campus having a graduate program.
B. Membership.
The Graduate Council shall consist of ten members of the graduate faculty named by the Chancellor on joint recommendations of the graduate dean and the chief academic officer of the campus for overlapping three-year terms. Nominations for membership on the Council shall be made by the academic deans of colleges offering graduate programs. There shall be an additional member from the professional library staff nominated by the Director of the Library and appointed in the same manner as other members for a three-year term. The Dean of the Graduate School shall serve as ex-officio member and secretary of the Graduate Council.
C. Duties.
The Graduate Council shall serve as the policymaking body for the entire graduate program of a campus. It shall be concerned with policies governing academic standards, program development and review, faculty qualifications, and the consistency and integrity with which the entire graduate program is operated.
D. Officers and Terms of Office.
Officers of the Graduate Council shall be a chairman, vice-chairman, and secretary. The Council shall elect its chairman and vice-chairman who shall serve terms of two years.
E. Meetings.
The Graduate Council shall meet at the call of the Chairman of the Council. The Council shall meet at least three times per academic year with written notice and agenda sent in adequate time to each member of the Council.
Section 1-3. Special Councils and Committees.
1-3.1. The Athletic Council.
A. There shall be established an Athletic Council in an advisory capacity on all campuses having organized athletic programs and participation in intercollegiate competition.
B. Membership and Terms.
The Athletic Council shall consist of five members of the faculty who do not hold an administrative position above the departmental chairmanship, two members of the student body, two members of the Alumni Federation, the chief academic officer of the campus and one additional administrative officer named by the Chancellor. The Chancellor shall appoint three of the five faculty members and the faculty shall select two faculty members. The Student Government Association shall select the student members. The Alumni Federation shall select the alumni members. The Athletic Director shall serve, ex- officio and nonvoting, as secretary of the Council.
Faculty members and alumni shall serve on the Council for three-year staggered terms; the term of student members shall be one year. The term of the administrative member shall be at the pleasure of the Chancellor.
C. Chairmanship.
The chairman shall be elected by the Council from among the faculty members on the Council.
D. Quorum, Voting, and Bylaws.
A quorum shall consist of a majority of the voting members. Within the framework of these policies, the Athletic Council is authorized to establish bylaws for its operations, including, but not limited to, regulations concerning the scheduling of regular and special meetings and policies insuring adequate notice of agenda for meetings.
E. Functions.
The Athletic Council shall recommend policies for approval to the Chancellor on all matters relating to intercollegiate athletics. Minutes of the Council shall be recorded by the Secretary, and the Chairman shall then submit them to the Chancellor for his information and action. The Chancellor shall keep the President fully informed in a timely manner on all matters pertaining to the athletic program.
Duties of the Athletic Council shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
1. Policy formulation
a. Recommending as to the scope of the athletic programs.
b. Assuring that student athletes are provided adequate opportunities to pursue academic programs successfully.
c. Advising the Chancellor on the selection and employment of the Athletic Director; and, with the Chancellor and Athletic Director, advising in the selection and employment of head coaches in various sports.
2. Review of recommendations of the Athletic Director on:
a. Intercollegiate schedules.
b. Awards and letters to athletes.
c. Athletic scholarships.
d. Developing, using, and operating athletic facilities.
3. Review of recommendations of the Athletic Director and representatives of athletic organizations at the local, state, and national levels in the areas on:
a. Eligibility of student athletes.
b. Retention programs.
c. Counseling, advising, and tutoring programs.
4. Review of financial affairs of the Athletic Department, and the report of relevant findings to the Athletic Director and Chancellor.
1-3.2. The Teacher Education Council.
A. There shall be established a Teacher Education Council on campuses on which degree programs in teacher education are offered.
B. Membership.
The Council shall consist of representatives from all areas of the University which contribute to the teacher preparation program. It shall be the responsibility of the Chancellor, in consultation with the chief academic officer, to determine the number, term and manner of appointment of the membership. The Dean of the College of Education shall serve as ex-officio member and secretary of the Teacher Education Council.
C. Officers and Terms of Office.
Officers of the Council shall be a chairman, vice-chairman, and secretary. The Council shall elect its chairman and vice-chairman who shall serve terms of two years. A consecutive two-year term shall not be served.
D. Duties.
The Teacher Education Council shall be familiar with standards of accrediting agencies and the applicable statutes of Louisiana. It is the Council's responsibility to formulate and propose University policy and procedures whereby there will be maintained a balance between professional preparation, general cultural attainment, and mastery of the subject content field in each curriculum in teacher education. All policies offered by the Council are subject to the approval of the University administration and Board of Supervisors.
E. Meetings.
The Council shall meet at least once per semester at the call of the chairman. Minutes shall be kept of all meetings and transmitted to the chief academic officer of the campus. Should the Council fail to meet, such failure shall be called to the attention of the chief academic officer by the secretary.
Section 1-4. Communications and Reports.
The official recommendations and communications of any member of the academic or nonacademic staff, or any organizational unit, shall be sent through channels to the appropriate officer. An administrative officer shall promptly transmit any such recommendations or communications, with the officer's own comments and recommendations thereon, to the next higher officer, or to the appropriate committee or council. The originators of the initial recommendations or communications shall be promptly informed of their disposition.
The faculty shall make recommendations to the chief academic officer in regard to educational policies and to policies affecting faculty status and welfare, including such subjects as promotion, tenure, rank, leaves of absences, and salaries.