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Part III Chapter II of Regulations
Section 2-1. Classification of Employees.
Employees of the System are grouped as follows:
A. Non-student Employees.
1. Academic Employees.
a. Faculty.
Full-time members of the instructional staff on the various campuses with the rank of instructor or above and equivalent ranks. Part-time members of the instructional staff as provided for in Part III, Chapter I, Section 1-2.5 (B).
b. Other Academic.
Professional personnel of the Cooperative Extension Service and other personnel with academic responsibilities not holding faculty rank.
2. Nonacademic Employees.
a. Unclassified.
1. Administrative officers and professional staff and positions specifically exempted from the classified service under Article X, Section 2(B)(9) of the Constitution of Louisiana.
2. Other positions exempted from the classified service by special action of the State of Louisiana, Department of Civil Service.
b. Classified.
All employees in positions covered by the provisions of the Civil Service System of the State of Louisiana.
B. Student Employees.
1. Graduate Assistants.
Full-time graduate students who are employed part-time by the University for services supportive of the graduate education program.
2. Students.
Those full-time undergraduate, graduate, and professional students who are employed on a part-time basis on the various campuses of the System and not classified as graduate assistants.
Section 2-2. Personnel Actions for Administrative Officers.
The President shall recommend all personnel actions for System administrative officers and chief administrative officers of the several campuses to the Board. The chief administrative officers of the various campuses shall recommend all personnel actions for administrative officers on their respective campuses through the President to the Board.
Section 2-3. Personnel Actions for Nonacademic Staff.
The President shall recommend to the Board, upon the recommendation of the chief administrative officer of a respective campus, personnel actions for nonacademic employees, except for employees in classified positions for which final authority is delegated to the President, who shall act in accordance with the regulations of the Civil Service System of the State of Louisiana. Personnel actions for System unclassified employees shall be recommended to the Board by the President.
Section 2-4. Terms of Employment for Nonacademic Staff.
A. Classified personnel hold their positions according to the terms of their appointment under the provisions of the Civil Service System of Louisiana and the policies of the University System.
B. Unclassified employees hold their positions at the pleasure of the Board. Termination of the appointment of an unclassified employee shall be preceded by written notice from the employee's immediate supervisor with the approval of the chief administrative officer of the campus and the President. Such termination is effective after a period of time equivalent in days to the usual payroll period of the employee. These provisions for termination do not preclude suspension or other disciplinary action. The employee shall have the right to appeal (Bylaws, Article IX, Section 2). Any termination of appointment shall be final when reported to and acted upon by the Board.
C. Financial Exigency or Emergency
Termination or reduction in status of non-academic staff, classified and unclassified, due to a Board of Supervisors declared financial emergency or exigency shall be in accordance with the Board approved plans, policies and implementation procedures to govern reduction in force actions and/or employment practices during the existence of the financial emergency or exigency. The plans, policies and implementation procedures adopted for classified employees shall also be in accordance with applicable civil service rules. Classified and unclassified employees shall be appointed to the committee assessing the financial emergency or exigency and developing the financial exigency or emergency plans that determine: (1) whether a financial emergency or exigency exists which might require the termination or reduction in status of classified and/or unclassified employees; (2) the method for determining positions to be affected; (3) the method for making appointments or transfers to positions in other budget units with vacancies; (4) the setting of timeframes for carrying out the plan including the schedule for giving notices to affected employees; and (5) the operative recall policy for employees affected by the financial emergency or exigency when the condition no longer exists.
Section 2-5. Personnel Actions for Academic Staff.
In all personnel actions related to academic staff, the principle of academic freedom shall be recognized. (Bylaws, Article VIII, Section 1)
Academic staff hold their positions according to the terms of their contracts, appointment letters, University tenure provisions, or other terms which are approved by the Board from time to time.
All personnel actions relating to faculty and other members of the academic staff shall be initiated by the employee's immediate supervisor after consultation with the appropriate faculty, including the concerned faculty member. Such actions shall be transmitted, through channels, to the President and shall be subject to confirmation by the Board. The recommendation shall include a statement as to any lack of agreement on the part of any administrative officer. The concerned faculty member or faculty body shall have the right to appeal through an established grievance procedure, as described in Chapter 11, Section 2-10.
Section 2-6. Academic Ranks.
The following academic ranks shall be recognized:
Instructional and Research Instructional and Research
Ranks -- full-time Ranks -- part-time
Professor, full-time Professor, part-time
Visiting Professor, full-time Adjunct Professor, part-time
Associate Professor, Associate Professor, part-time
full-time Adjunct Associate Professor,
Visiting Associate part-time
Professor, full-time
Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor, part-time
full-time Adjunct Assistant Professor,
Visiting Assistant part-time
Professor, full-time
Instructor, full-time Instructor, part-time
Visiting Instructor, Adjunct Instructor, part-time
full-time Cooperating Teacher
The title of Professor may be modified to indicate particular distinction as approved by the Board.
The title of Adjunct Faculty is used to designate faculty members associated with the University in a temporary, part-time capacity. Adjunct faculty may come from industry, government, or other universities. Southern University uses adjunct faculty to take advantage of extensive practical experience that such persons would bring to the institution. Very often, the practical experience is sufficient to make exceptions to standard academic credentials, subject to the approval of appropriate accrediting agencies. (8-15-92)
The designation of Visiting Professor is given to persons invited to join the faculty of Southern University for a limited period of time, usually for an academic year. Visiting professors are frequently "on loan" to the University and they generally have full-time appointments. Persons holding this rank are occasionally paid by the lending institution or agency and are expected to possess academic credentials which meet all standard accreditation criteria. Faculty may hold visiting professorships in each of the designated ranks at Southern University. The rank assigned is determined in consultation with the faculty in the department to which the visiting professor is be assigned.
The title of Cooperating Teacher is used for persons employed in the public school system who work with student teachers from the College of Education.
The following ranks for administrative and professional positions in the Cooperative Extension Service shall be recognized:
Associate Specialist
Assistant Specialist
Area Agent
Associate Area Agent
Assistant Area Agent
County Agent
Associate County Agent
Assistant County Agent
Home Economist
Associate Home Economist
Assistant Home Economist
The Cooperative Extension Service at Southern University is an integral part of the Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and operated by Memorandum of Agreement between Southern University and Louisiana State University to facilitate one extension service in the State of Louisiana.
Section 2-7. Promotion in Academic Rank.
Promotion in academic rank shall be based on merit. Teaching excellence, personal professional growth and development, involvement in creative and research activities and services to the University and community are the recognized criteria employed in the evaluation of personnel for promotion. The President, with the assistance of the Chancellors, shall appoint a system-wide committee to formulate system-wide procedures and criteria for promotion to be submitted to the President for recommendation to the Board.
Section 2-8. Appointments to Academic Staff.
A. Kinds of Appointments.
1. Temporary.
Any appointment that is for a specified limited period and does not lead to consideration for tenure is considered a temporary appointment. Substitute teachers for emergency situations or for teachers on leave, artists-in-residence, adjunct faculty, visiting professors or persons from business or industry who teach a limited number of courses for a limited time are on temporary appointment. Faculty members who are appointed at the rank of Instructor are also designated as temporary appointees, whether for a specified limited period or not. Notice of the term to be served in a temporary appointment will be included in the letter of appointment. Further notice will be given only if a subsequent appointment is approved by the Board.
2. Probationary.
Probationary appointments are for a specified period of time -- ordinarily for at least one academic year -- as indicated on the contractual statement, subject to renewal. Such appointments ordinarily lead to consideration for tenure.
3. Tenured.
Tenured appointments are for an indefinite period of time. Tenure, however, is not a guarantee of lifetime employment. It does assure that the employee will not be dismissed without adequate justification and without due process.
B. Termination of Appointments.
1. The term of a temporary academic appointment shall be stated in the letter of appointment and, if not, then it ends with the academic year in which the appointment is approved.
2. Nonrenewal of a probationary appointment shall be given in writing to the faculty member in advance of the expiration of the appointment as follows:
a. Not later than March 1 of the first academic year of service if the appointment expires at the end of that year; or, if a one-year appointment terminates during an academic year, at least three months in advance of its termination;
b. Not later than December 15 of the second academic year of service if the appointment expires at the end of that year; or, if an initial two-year appointment terminated during an academic year, at least six months in advance of its termination;
c. At least twelve months before the expiration of an appointment after two or more years of service at the institution.
3. Termination of faculty employment may be based on cause, financial exigency, discontinuance of a program or department of instruction, medical reasons, resignation, retirement, or contingent matters directly related to those enumerated.
a. Financial Exigency or Emergency.
Termination or reduction in status of a faculty appointment, either tenured or non-tenured, may result from demonstrable bona fide financial exigency of the University as affirmatively declared by the Board of Supervisors. Such termination or status reduction of faculty shall be in accordance with the Board approved plans, policies and implementation procedures to govern reduction in force or status actions, and/or employment practices during the existence of the financial emergency.
Said plans and procedures shall include provisions whereby there will be faculty participation on the Committee determining: (1) whether financial exigency or emergency exists which might lead to termination of faculty appointments or reduction in faculty status; (2) the method of deciding which faculty positions are to be eliminated or reduced in status; (3) the method for making appointments to vacant positions in areas not affected by the financial exigency or emergency; (4) the method of review and the process for appealing the decision to terminate faculty or reduce faculty status for financial exigency or emergency reasons; (5) a delineation of the appropriate timeframes in which notice shall be given to all affected faculty; and (6) the operative recall policy for faculty whose employment was terminated or status was reduced when the exigency or emergency no longer exists.
b. Discontinuance of a Program or Department of Instruction.
Termination of faculty appointment, either tenured or non-tenured, may result from the discontinuance of a program or department of instruction. Except in those cases where the discontinuance is mandated by the Board of Regents, state or federal law or judicial mandate, the following standards and procedures will apply: (1) There shall be faculty participation in considering the possible formal discontinuance of a program or department of instruction. Such decision shall be based essentially upon educational consideration. (2) Before the administration issues notice to a faculty member of its intent to terminate an appointment because of the formal discontinuance of a program or department of instruction, the institution will make every effort to place the affected faculty member in another suitable position.
c. Discontinuance of a Program or Department of Instruction due to Board of Regents' or other legal mandate.
In cases where the termination of faculty employment is necessary due to the discontinuance of an academic program that is mandated by the Board of Regents, state or federal law or judicial mandate, the following standards and procedures will apply:
Non-tenured faculty
Notice of termination shall be provided to a non-tenured faculty member, no less than the equivalent of one academic semester prior to the effective date of the termination of employment.
Tenured faculty
(1) Notice of termination shall be provided to a tenured member of the faculty, no less than the equivalent of one academic year prior to the effective date of the termination of employment.
(2) During the period prior to the termination of employment of a tenured member of the faculty, the institution will make every effort to place the faculty member in another faculty position for which that person has the qualification and credentials to fill.
(3) Tenured members of the faculty who are offered alternative employment as a member of the faculty in another program are not guaranteed a tenured appointment. Any recommendation for a tenured appointment must be forwarded by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs for the approval of the campus Chancellor, the System President and the Southern University Board of Supervisors. The Board of Supervisors shall have the final authority to grant such tenure.
D. Cause.
Causes for discharge or termination of contract shall include those specified by law governing state university systems; conduct seriously prejudicial to the University; neglect of duty or failure to perform duties in a professional manner; incompetence; or inability to perform duties effectively because of emotional, physical or mental condition; failure to continue professional development; or conviction of a felony or unethical and immoral behavior.
d. With the assistance of the Chancellors, the President shall appoint a system-wide committee to establish procedures to be used when termination of faculty appointments is being considered. (8-15-92)
C. Summer Appointments.
The Chancellor of each campus is responsible for the academic program for the summer session on his campus.
Appointments to the faculty for the summer session will be made by the Chancellor, on recommendations made by departmental chairmen through their respective deans and the Office for Academic Affairs, on the basis of teaching requirements of the summer program. Summer appointments must be approved by the President of the Southern University System and the Board of Supervisors.
Each department shall work out a plan for summer employment that is fair and equitable, taking into consideration the availability of funds, demand for courses, professional experience and qualifications of departmental faculty members. Such departmental plans shall be subject to the approval of the appropriate dean, the chief academic officer and the Chancellor. Compensation for teaching a full load -- nine (9) credit hours or fifteen (15) contact hours -- during a summer session will normally be one-fourth of the nine-months' salary unless otherwise approved by the Southern University Board of Supervisors. Compensation for teaching part-time shall be proportionally based on the credit hours or contact hours of the developed courses assigned.
Section 2-9. Tenure.
The traditional protection afforded by tenure against unwarranted dismissal of teachers has validity. Tenure is not, nor should it be, a shield for mediocrity, incompetence, or academic irresponsibility. Tenure must be earned, not given. The University subscribes to the principles of tenure for academic staff as set forth in the following statement of the American Association of University Professors:
"Tenure is a means to certain ends; specifically: (1) Freedom of teaching and research and of extramural activities and (2) a sufficient degree of economic security to make the profession attractive to men and women of ability. Freedom and economic security, hence, tenure, are indispensable to the success of an institution in fulfilling its obligations to its students and to society."
The following provisions for tenure, which are in accord with those adopted by the Board of Regents, shall be observed:
A. The Board of Supervisors has the ultimate responsibility for employing academic personnel and for awarding or denying tenure to academic personnel. The precise terms and conditions of every appointment shall be stated in writing and be in the possession of both institution and employee before the appointment is consummated.
B. Indeterminate tenure shall be earned by full-time academic personnel with respect to academic rank only.
1. Administrators shall not earn tenure, except in their capacity as members of the faculty.
2. Faculty members at the rank of instructor shall be on annual appointment and shall not be eligible for tenure.
3. Assistant professors, or the equivalent, shall be eligible for tenure after serving the established probationary period. (See C below.)
4. Faculty members promoted to the rank of associate professor, professor, or equivalent shall be awarded indeterminate tenure and shall be formally notified in writing within ninety (90) days of Board action.
5. Faculty members initially employed at the rank of associate professor or equivalent shall serve a probationary period of three years, except at Southern University - Baton Rouge, where the probationary period will be four years.
6. Faculty members initially employed at the rank of professor or equivalent shall serve a probationary period of two years, except at Southern University -Baton Rouge, where the probationary period will be four years.
7. Faculty members appointed to the rank of professor or associate professor, while being paid from a grant or contract for services, may be granted limited tenure, not exceeding the duration of the grant or contract.
8. Faculty members appointed to a probationary rank after serving a minimum of five years of continuous service in a non-probationary, full-time rank at Southern University, shall be eligible for tenure after serving a probationary period of at least two years, but not more than four years.
C. Full-time academic personnel below the rank of associate professor or equivalent shall serve a probationary period not to exceed seven years of continuous service. For the purpose of computing continuous service during the maximum seven-year probationary period, service at all ranks shall be included, subject to Paragraph B.8. of this Section above. Leaves approved by the Board may be included in individual cases at the discretion of the Board.
1. At the end of the first year of continuous service, such faculty members shall be evaluated for the purpose of determining eligibility for tenure.
2. At the end of the sixth year, the faculty member shall be evaluated and the results provided to that individual. In the event tenure is to be denied to an assistant professor, twelve (12) months written notice of termination shall be given. In the event tenure is to be awarded, affected faculty members shall be informed in writing.
3. For the purpose of the probationary period, credit shall be given for prior service within the Southern University System. Credit may be given for prior service at other institutions at the discretion of the Board.
4. Recommendations of those who are to be considered for tenure shall originate in the various academic departments, with tenured faculty and department chairmen initiating the recommendations. Final authority for granting or denying tenure shall rest with the Board.
D. Tenured faculty members shall retain their status until they retire, resign, or are terminated for cause or as a result of financial exigency or discontinuance of their program or department. Tenured faculty who face termination or who have been terminated due to program or departmental discontinuance, should be given preference among the field of candidates for appointment to other faculty positions for which they are appropriately qualified, all other factors being equal.
In instances of financial exigency, tenured faculty members shall be governed by the existing policies for prioritizing employees during retrenchment.
E. The provisions of this policy shall not be retroactive.
1. All persons holding tenure on the effective date of this policy shall retain their tenure.
2. This policy shall in no way affect any rights acquired by any person employed by Southern University prior to the effective date of this policy.
F. Faculty members not recommended for tenure shall have a right to appeal. The President, with the advice and recommendation of the Chancellor and faculty representatives of each campus, shall cause to be developed and implemented a procedure for such appeals on each campus. The appeal procedures adopted for each campus shall be recommended by the President to the Board of Supervisors for approval.
G. Within ninety (90) days of the effective date of this policy, each tenured faculty member in each affected institution shall be notified of his tenured status. Within the same period, each non-tenured faculty member shall be informed of his non-tenured status and shall be informed of existing tenure policy affecting him.
Section 2-10. Grievance Procedures.
The Governance Committee of the Board of Supervisors shall develop the grievance procedures for faculty and other unclassified employees for the Southern University System.