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Part III Chapter IV of Regulations
Section 4-1. Group Insurance Program.
Employees of the Southern University System, including retirees, may participate in the State of Louisiana Employees Uniform Group Insurance Program in accordance with rules and regulations established for that program. The University will pay the appropriate employer portion of the cost for employees who elect to participate in this program.
Section 4-2. Other Group Insurance or Benefit Programs.
The Southern University System may make available to employees, through payroll deduction procedures or otherwise, other types of group coverage or benefit programs that are considered to be of particular interest and benefit to its employees. The inauguration of any such plan will be made only upon approval of the President, and no contribution will be made toward the cost of such additional programs without the approval of the Board.
Section 4-3. Deferred Compensation.
All employees of the Southern University System are eligible to participate in the Deferred Compensation Plan of the State of Louisiana. This Plan, which is supervised by the State of Louisiana Deferred Compensation Commission, provides an opportunity for employees to defer payment of current federal and state income taxes on a portion of income derived from the state.
Section 4-4. Retirement Plans.
All non-student regular employees of the Southern University System will be members of one of the following retirement plans, unless ineligible by provisions of the retirement system; however, no employee may be a member of more than one retirement plan.
A. Teachers' Retirement System of Louisiana.
Employees who are members of this System and who are required or permitted, under appropriate law and regulations of the System, to continue as members, may do so.
B. Louisiana State Employees' Retirement System.
Employees who are members of this System who are required or permitted, under appropriate law and regulations of the System, to continue as members, may do so.
C. United States Civil Service Retirement System.
Personnel of the Cooperative Extension Service who are required to become members of the United States Civil Service Retirement System shall be members of that System.
D. Old Age and Survivors Insurance (Social Security).
In specific cases, persons who are ineligible to participate in one of the three retirement plans mentioned above may contribute to and participate in OASI (Social Security).
Section 4-5. Conditions of Retirement.
Eligibility for retirement shall be in accordance with the provisions of the respective retirement systems.
Section 4-6. Emeritus Titles.
A. Supervisor Emeritus
The title of Supervisor Emeritus shall be conferred by the Board of Supervisors from time to time, as the occasion arises, upon a former Trustee who has served one or more full terms and has rendered outstanding service and demonstrated a longstanding commitment to the Board and University System. Recommendations for Supervisor Emeritus designations shall be tendered to the Board for approval by the Governance Committee. The Governance Committee shall also recommend to the Board the criteria and procedures to follow when considering designation of the Supervisor Emeritus Title.
Supervisor Emeriti will be entitled to receive notices and minutes of all Board meetings, as well as invitations to Board and University - sponsored functions.
The conferring of this status shall ordinarily be in a public ceremony so that appropriate acknowledgment from the Board and Administration can be given in appreciation of the recipient's distinguished trustee service.
B. Professor Emeritus
The Board, at its discretion, may elect to confer the title of professor emeritus on persons with academic rank who, upon retirement from the University, have attained the rank of professor and who have made outstanding contributions to the University.
The President, with the assistance of the Chancellors, shall appoint a system-wide committee to formulate system-wide procedures and criteria for conferring of the title of professor emeritus.
If feasible, the holder may be granted such amenities as office space, secretarial services and research facilities. The holder will be granted use of the library, free passes to cultural events, free parking privileges, and consideration for appointment to University advisory councils and committees.